Saturday, February 23, 2013

Does God Exist?

Dr. Craig presents 3 reasons why life would be meaningless without God and 5 arguments for the existence of God:

How do I know that Christianity is right out of all the worlds religions?

Are all religions the same?  Does it matter what you believe?  Is it intolerant to believe there is only one way to ultimate truth?  J.P. Moreland addresses these issues:

Here Michael Ramsden tackles the same topic, expaining how the Christian message is unique in what it says and what it accomplishes:

Jesus is not a created being or a lesser god but is God

This article lays out the evidence for the Trinitarian God - i.e. 1 God made up of 3 persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  This is a foundational belief for Christianity.

Here is a quick reference to Biblical scriptures that point to a Trinitarian God:

Friday, February 1, 2013

Evidence for the Existence of the Soul

Is man only matter?  Do we have an immaterial property?  J.P. Moreland breaks down the evidence for the existence of the soul.